Your Netherworld experience begins in the parking lot, as dark, mysterious creatures begin to stalk you the moment you leave your car.  Likewise, the experience isn’t over until you physically leave the premises, so be sure you don’t let your guard down just because you somehow made it out of the haunts alive!

Combining talented actors with movie quality special effects, extremely detailed sets and elaborate storylines, Netherworld features completely original content, and creates a whole new set of themes each year.  This Halloween season, Netherworld’s central theme is The Dead Ones, an unstoppable evil brought forth to punish all of mankind.  Featuring ancient temples, dark, savage rituals and sacred burial grounds, this is a dark and sinister theme, accompanied by over-the-top special effects, intense makeup and incredible stunt actors.

Not to be outdone, the downstairs theme for 2013 is Boogeyman, a storyline wherein six innocent people are trapped in comas and unable to escape terrifying, waking nightmares, which you’ll share with them as you make your way through the Boogeyman’s terrible lair.  All your childhood nightmares come to life when you discover the Boogeyman really does exist.  Run as far and as fast as you can, there is no escaping the Boogeyman!

Consistently rated one of the top haunted houses in the nation, Netherworld is in its 17th year of hair-raising, spine-tingling scares and terrors, and continues to improve and expand with every season.  Tickets to the main haunt, called Banshee, run $22, $25 on Friday and Saturday.  Add the second haunt, The Hive, for just $6 more, rounding to $30 for both on Friday and Saturday.

Congratulations to Netherworld Haunted House… The Victim’s Choice for one of the “Top 31 Haunted Houses in America” at